» » » » Coussin anti-escarre forme fer à cheval Tech

Coussin anti-escarre forme fer à cheval Tech

Référence : 43181
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89.80 €

Coussin anti-escarre forme fer à cheval Tech

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Coussin anti-escarre forme fer à cheval Tech
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Taille unique.

Diam. : 44 cm

Ouverture : 11 cm

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Coussin anti-escarre forme fer à cheval Tech
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Coussin anti-escarre forme fer à cheval Tech
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Anti-bedsore cushion with ergonomic design, filled with conjugated siliconised hollow fibre. Bielastic polyester fabric with polyurethane coating, featuring straps for easy tying to wheelchairs and seats. This fabric offers perfect adaptability to the body, ensuring maximum comfort and hygiene. The fabric is breathable, waterproof, flame retardant and anti-microbial (fungicide and anti-bacterial). It provides heat relief, eliminating sweating. It has no outer seams to prevent possible chafing and does not slide on the seat.


Pressure sore prevention and treatment by distributing pressure over bony prominences and other vulnerable/sensitive areas. Help with postural changes. Incontinent or non-incontinent people who spend long periods of time seated. Postpartum pain relief and post-operative recovery in general.

ONLY MODELS WITH HOLE (leave the injured area free of pressure): Haemorrhoids. Fistulas and fissures in the anus. Postpartum fistulas and other painful processes. Post-operative recovery from diseases of the prostate or pelvic floor. Pain relief in the sacrococcygeal, ischiatic, gluteal, perineal (anal and/or urogenital) regions; Possibility of use in chairs with toilet.

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Coussin anti-escarre forme fer à cheval Tech
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