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Knierahmenorthese Legacy Thruster OA

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753.30 €

Legacy Thruster OA Gelenk-Knieschiene

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Knierahmenorthese Legacy Thruster OA

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Knierahmenorthese Legacy Thruster OA







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Knierahmenorthese Legacy Thruster OA

Legacy Thruster OA


Sizes: xs, s, m, l, xl, xxl

The Legacy Thruster is a small, lightweight single-upright brace with the hinge on the affected side of the knee. This design creates relief by pulling the straps to open the joint space versus pushing against the opposite side of the knee. This design addresses OA conditions only, not associated with ligament instability.


Common Examples of Use

  • Unicompartmental OA
  • Meniscal instabilities

Product Features

  • Low-profile frame
  • Dial allows incremental force adjustments
  • Hinge is on involved side of knee, pulling vs. pushing to help relieve the symptoms of OA
  • Unloads in a 4-point load system
  • Distal calf section flexes with the muscles of the leg
  • Up to 22° of correction can be applied
  • For moderate to severe OA patients who require the brace for all-day use

My Knee Hurts!

Osteoarthritis pain results from loss of the cartilage that covers the ends of the tibia and femur. Depending on the progression of your disease, the joint space of your knee may become small enough to allow the two bones to touch, causing pain when doing normal activities like walking, going down stairs or playing golf.

Do I Have Osteoarthritis?

For a correct diagnosis, it is an important to see an orthopedic doctor who will take into account your symptoms and your medical history, examine your joints, and order diagnostic tests. This may include blood work, X rays, a CT scan or an MRI for a better understanding of the anatomy of your joint and its condition.

Do I Need Knee Surgery?

Based on your history, symptoms, and the amount of degenerative change in your joint, you and your doctor will determine the right treatment for you.

Relieving Knee Osteoarthritis Pain

Your doctor may prescribe or suggest anti-inflammatory medications (like aspirin or ibuprofen), Osteoarthritis bracing, also called “unloading braces” and/or injections. Ask your Orthopedic physician about Breg’s Quantum OA brace and whether it is right for you.

How Effective is Osteoarthritis Bracing for Treating Pain?

Osteoarthritis unloader knee braces have been proven highly effective in relieving Osteoarthritis pain, improving knee function and allowing patients to return to daily activities.



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Knierahmenorthese Legacy Thruster OA
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Knierahmenorthese Legacy Thruster OA

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