» » » » Korrektur der Rückenhaltung blue touch

Korrektur der Rückenhaltung blue touch

Referenz : 22927
Durchschnitt:0 Stellungnahme
74.00 €

Blue touch-Rückenstraffer gegen kyphöse Haltungen. Kann auch bei Schlüsselbeinbrüchen verwendet werden. Exklusiv: Einfaches Schließen und Einstellen an der Vorderseite durch den Patienten oh

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Korrektur der Rückenhaltung blue touch

One size

under-chest : 70 to 120 cm

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Korrektur der Rückenhaltung blue touch





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Korrektur der Rückenhaltung blue touch

Posture is the position in which you hold your body upright against gravity while standing, sitting or laying down. It is a configuration of the human body which provides stability, not overusing of the muscles, enough place for internal organs and good statics and dynamics condition. 

Posture is connected with habit. If our habits are bad, e.g. we’re slouching, leaning on 1 leg or standing with a flat back, we have tendency to have a bad posture. Keeping the bad posture every day may result in soft tissues and bones deformations in future.

Our upper back brace is an excellent product for improving your body posture. The brace is made of innovative waterproof fabric UniPren™

It is universal 3-layered fabric made of external elastic polyamide self-gripping layer and internal neoprene foam with elastic jersey. Our fabric is soft and elastic and not knitted, what prevents skin against the skin abrasions in the compression zones. It’s excellent solution for athletes. Self-gripping function of UniPren™ allows to fit the brace precisely. This fabric is also waterproof, do not absorb the water and is comfortable.

On the back we use the aluminum support which is easy to adjust and mould according to spinal curves.


Our upper back brace uses a natural brain’s properties. Our posture corrector keeps the shoulders, scapulas and upper back in good position. The brace stretches the cramp chest muscles and improves natural spinal curves.


• It makes you look good and attractive
• It corrects your posture and body’s segments
• Reduces back and neck pain
• Improves breathing and circulation
• Better brain oxygenation, memory and learning. 


Upper back brace is more than mechanical correction. The brace “teaches” you how to improve your posture. Use it every day up to 1 hour. It will give the impulse to your brain and makes correct habit which will become your normal perfect posture.

You can wear our corrector under clothes to make it invisible.

Our posture corrector is made in one size. UniPren™ is easy to attach so you will fit the brace to your body perfectly.

bad posture
- clavicle injuries (fractures, dislocations)
- incorrect spinal curves
- neck and upper back pain

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Korrektur der Rückenhaltung blue touch

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