» » » Orthese zur Ruhigstellung des Ellenbogengelenks CubElbow OS (One Size)

Orthese zur Ruhigstellung des Ellenbogengelenks CubElbow OS (One Size)

Referenz : 30158
Durchschnitt:0 Stellungnahme
100.00 €

Ellenbogenschiene für eine gute Fixierung in der Verlängerung. Einzigartiger Taillenbund mit 3 verstellbaren Klettplatten. Die Orthese ist etwas dick.

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Orthese zur Ruhigstellung des Ellenbogengelenks CubElbow OS (One Size)
min 23 cm – max 36 cm

Höhe: 30 cm

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Orthese zur Ruhigstellung des Ellenbogengelenks CubElbow OS (One Size)



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Orthese zur Ruhigstellung des Ellenbogengelenks CubElbow OS (One Size)

Plaster cast immobilizing elbow joint has to stabilize upper extermity among the elbow joint. It has anatomic shape, thaned that it well stabilizes the extermity and its soft finish inside makes the product more comfortable.


In front part of orthese soft and ellastic pillows have been installed. They are equipped with clasps and periphery splints to let them change and fit periphery into extermity smoothly.Two strong and small aluminium steels have been installed in the pillows. They have to be orthopedic side-splints.


In back part of the product the second pair of orthopedic splints have been mounted. They have to stabilize the extermity at the back. This way to stabilize the forearm is very effective.


The product has to be mounted to the upper extermity by using the set of periphery tapes. In the ends of the sets wide Velcro tapes and plastic tips have been mounted. The tips help persons with partial skill of hands with taking off the tapes.


The product has been fully produced with ActiveDistance II. The material makes the stabilization of the joint better. Inside, by the patient’s skin is cotton frote, inside it soft poliuretan foam, outside is self-tightly jersey what makes it easier to fit into extermity.


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Orthese zur Ruhigstellung des Ellenbogengelenks CubElbow OS (One Size)

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