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Evotec back support belt

Reference : 43950
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122.13 €

Evotec back support belt made of a very consistent elastic material that provides 50% more compression than other materials usually used

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Back brace Evolution-dorso Evotec
Medical indications

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Measurements and sizes
Back brace Evolution-dorso Evotec
Medical indications




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Measurements and sizes
Back brace Evolution-dorso Evotec
Medical indications

Made with a highly consistent elastic material that offers 50% more compression than those conventionally used, increasing lumbar containment. Produced using a stitchless seam technique, thus avoiding uncomfortable friction.


Strong sacrolumbar support, perfect anatomic adaptation, easy- to-use and soft in contact with skin.


Lumbago. - Lumbosciatica. - Degenerative processes. - Atony and muscular weakness. - Pre and post-surgical treatments. -Disc hernia - Spondylarthrosis - Spondylolysis.

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Measurements and sizes
Back brace Evolution-dorso Evotec
Medical indications

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