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Foot-drop brace Foot-up goural RDP I
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Foot-drop brace Foot-up goural RDP I

Reference : 95742
Rating:0 opinion
159.90 €

This foot lift is offered with an exclusive choice of elastic lengths. But also hook FS3000 attached to the shoe that does not hurt, and economical because one does not lose.

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Ankle-foot orthotic Foot-up goural RDP I
Medical indications

Mesure support de cheville :

Mesure accessoire nu-pied (optionnel) :

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Measurements and sizes
Ankle-foot orthotic Foot-up goural RDP I
Medical indications



Nous incluons un crochet de fixation externe qui permet une mise en place de l'élastique plus facile. Ce support se fixe facilement sur le oeilets de la chaussure avec des serreflex fournis, ou sur toutes les chaussures avec la pince crop a dile.


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Ankle-foot orthotic Foot-up goural RDP I
Medical indications

The RDP I device consists of 2 separate parts: a support above the ankles and a non-slip support section to put between the tongue and shoelaces via a central hook type attachment. Both parts are linked by an elastic strap which is adjustable according to how much bending is required. The back of the strap has interior gel padding for comfort on the Achilles tendon.


The RDP I ankle/foot orthosis supports the foot while walking. It prevents the risk of trips over everyday items, such as rugs, kerbs and irregular surfaces. 


The RDP I ankle/foot orthosis produces a dorsiflexion when stepping off the foot, as indicated in flaccid paralysis. In the absence of varus-valgus controls, it is contraindicated in patients with spastic paralysis.



Included in the pack :

2 pairs of metallic hooks "S"

1 pair or metallic hooks on a velour support

1 rubber band (size 4 advised)

1 ankle support

1 calf amovible support


Optionnal barefoot accessory :


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Measurements and sizes
Ankle-foot orthotic Foot-up goural RDP I
Medical indications


Mise en place du support FS3000 fourni pouvant être utilisé avec nos releveurs de pied à élastique :

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Measurements and sizes
Ankle-foot orthotic Foot-up goural RDP I
Medical indications

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