» » » » Palmar Resting Hand Orthosis Wrist Hand Fingers PMD
SOFT hand-thumb Brace PMD repos
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Palmar Resting Hand Orthosis Wrist Hand Fingers PMD

Reference : 11587
Rating:0 opinion
158.95 €

Developed in a breathable fabric for the treatment of moderate contractures of the wrist, hand and fingers. Very soft and comfortable orthosis suitable for sensitive or painful hands.

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Measurements and sizes
Soft palm splint for immobilising the wrist while fingers and thumb are blocked PMD repos
Medical indications

Largeur de la paume de la main :

5,5-7,0 cm = 1

7,0-8,5 cm = 2

8,5-10,5 cm = 3

Attention taille grand, nous conseillons de prendre une taille en dessous si debut de taille 2 et 3.

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Measurements and sizes
Soft palm splint for immobilising the wrist while fingers and thumb are blocked PMD repos
Medical indications

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Measurements and sizes
Soft palm splint for immobilising the wrist while fingers and thumb are blocked PMD repos
Medical indications
Developed in aerated fabric for the treatment of moderate contractures of the wrist, hand and fingers. Has a wrist strap to hold it in the correct position and achieve a gradual stretch.
The thumb correction adjustment can be changed. It is supplied with a replacement cover.
Optionally, the finger separation brace, or a finger separation and extension brace can be placed.
Optionally, a finger separation brace or a finger separation.
Flexion or hyperextension contracture of the wrist.
Contracture of the hand with or without radial or ulnar deviations.
Contractures in flexion or hyperextension of the interphalangeal joints.
Abduction of the thumb.
Rheumatoid arthritis.
Contracted fist.
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Measurements and sizes
Soft palm splint for immobilising the wrist while fingers and thumb are blocked PMD repos
Medical indications

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