» » » » Attelle de stack immobilisation du doigt

Attelle de stack immobilisation du doigt

Referencia : 46940
Categoría:0 de opinión
13.20 €

Férula apilable termoformable para la inmovilización del DPI del dedo

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Attelle de stack immobilisation du doigt
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Attelle de stack immobilisation du doigt
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Attelle de stack immobilisation du doigt
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The splint is manufactured from polypropylene (flesh colour). The lower part goes from the distal zone of the finger until it exceeds the distal interphalangeus articulation, and has a thimble shape to house the tip of the finger. The upper section is joined to the lower section to leave the nail zone free, and stretches to the distal interphalangeus articulation.

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Attelle de stack immobilisation du doigt
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