» » » Cabestrillo con cinchas para subluxaciones de la articulación escápulohumeral NoMove

Cabestrillo con cinchas para subluxaciones de la articulación escápulohumeral NoMove

Referencia : 49390
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40.00 €

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Cabestrillo con cinchas para subluxaciones de la articulación escápulohumeral NoMove
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Cabestrillo con cinchas para subluxaciones de la articulación escápulohumeral NoMove
Indicaciones médicas
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Cabestrillo con cinchas para subluxaciones de la articulación escápulohumeral NoMove
Indicaciones médicas
Notas y comentarios

Orthosis has been designed and constructed in such a way that its use caused the least problems to the patient that he can wear it on alone, and lightweight design facilitate its use on a daily basis.

The orthese sets arm and forearm in proper position during the treatment of shoulder dysfunction. The arm can be set in neutral position or slightly approached.

Each of the points of attachment of the orthosis can be independently adjusted for optimal fit in all the circumstances.

Due to the design of a product can be used on both the right or left arm.

The product is equipped with universal shoulder strap and hand sling.

3 Available colors of sling.


UniCotton™ is a polyester-cotton fabric with versatile use. The fabric is available depending on the needs in different colors and weights, is characterized by high durability and very good performance parameters, it has an Oeko-Tex Standard 100 certificate, which confirms the fact that it is inert to the patient’s skin.



The shoulder stabilization should be used in following cases:
- strong pain in the shoulder joint (temporary protection)
- dislocation of the joint
- injury to the soft tissue of the shoulder and arm
- surgery of the shoulder or elbow (not requiring plaster dressing)
- in case of necessity to support or partially fix the upper limb (broken neck of humerus bone and plaster dressing)
- after removal of the plaster dressing, as stabilization

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Cabestrillo con cinchas para subluxaciones de la articulación escápulohumeral NoMove
Indicaciones médicas
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