» » » Cinturón de protección de cadera PHYSIOprotect con protectores integrados y cierre de velcro

Cinturón de protección de cadera PHYSIOprotect con protectores integrados y cierre de velcro

Referencia : 15280
Categoría:0 de opinión
228.80 €

Protector de cadera fácil de poner con 2 lengüetas de velcro PHYSIOprotect

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Cinturón de protección de cadera PHYSIOprotect con protectores integrados y cierre de velcro
Indicaciones médicas
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Medidas y tamaños
Cinturón de protección de cadera PHYSIOprotect con protectores integrados y cierre de velcro
Indicaciones médicas
Notas y comentarios

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Medidas y tamaños
Cinturón de protección de cadera PHYSIOprotect con protectores integrados y cierre de velcro
Indicaciones médicas
Notas y comentarios
  • Very easy to put on due to two-strap fastening system
  • Optimal positioning due to centre marking
  • Integral protectors – good washing properties
  • Can be worn comfortably over clothing
  • Breathable spacer fabric
  • As we grow older, an unsteady gait can lead to falls. With increasing age, the risk of osteoporosis also rises which is associated with a very high probability of sustaining a fracture in the event of a fall. The PHYSIOprotect hip protector belt offers effective protection against hip fractures and injuries in the event of a fall. Whether during mobilisation or at home – the practical hip belt can comfortably be worn over clothing and is easy to put on. The two-strap fastener allows for easy adjustment of the belt which can be optimally positioned due to its centre marking. The integrated protectors provide optimum protection of the hip in all activities and offer the wearer a sense of safety when walking. The PHYSIOprotect hip protector belt is made of a breathable spacer fabric, allowing patients to benefit from the highest level of wearing comfort.
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Medidas y tamaños
Cinturón de protección de cadera PHYSIOprotect con protectores integrados y cierre de velcro
Indicaciones médicas
Notas y comentarios

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