» » » Corset de inmovilización y mantenimiento en hiperextensión de la columna vertebral TLSO Plus

Corset de inmovilización y mantenimiento en hiperextensión de la columna vertebral TLSO Plus

Referencia : 69781
Categoría:0 de opinión
366.10 €

Corsé de estabilización adaptable en función de la reeducación del paciente. Altura ajustable. Excelente estabilización de la columna vertebral, mínima tensión. Fácil colocación.

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Plazo de disponibilidad 7 dias

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Corset de inmovilización y mantenimiento en hiperextensión de la columna vertebral TLSO Plus
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Corset de inmovilización y mantenimiento en hiperextensión de la columna vertebral TLSO Plus
Indicaciones médicas
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Corset de inmovilización y mantenimiento en hiperextensión de la columna vertebral TLSO Plus
Indicaciones médicas
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These corsets are innovative orthopedic orthoses for patient after spine injuries or conditions. This universal brace system bases on rule: MiniMax (minimum device, maximum effect). Our braces provide excellent stabilization and great fitting.

Our orthoses are anatomic-shaped and off-loads the spine precisely.

Because of modular construction, you can add or remove unnecessary elements to achieve required stabilization, according to rehabilitation process of your patient. You are free to adjust required height or width.

This special construction makes our corsets really elasticeasy to adjust and very lightweight!

It provides many interesting features such as time saving, great fitting and efficiency. That is why, it’s the best solution for your spine!

Our braces are created to immobilize the spine in sagittal and partly frontal plane and to supports the backbone in the particular parts, depending on the condition.


 It’s a very firm thoracolumbar brace with height and circumferential adjustment. The application area is from third thoracic vertebrae (T3) to fifth lumbar vertebrae (L5). 


Rear durable frame provides excellent stabilization for your spine. In the upper part of the frame, we assembled adjusted pad, made of ABS, with two polyamide buckles and four elastic side ABS elements. This solution stabilizes the spine in the frontal plane. In the lower part of the rear frame, you can find adjusted sacral pad


Plastic side elements together with sacral pad are covered by skin-friendly and soft fabric ActivDistance II


The front piece of the backbrace consists of : adjusted splint with sternum, chest, abdominal and pubic pads. The chest and sternum pads have two polyamide buckles connected with side semi-rigid elements.

All of these pads are made of ABS and covered by soft skin-friendly fabric ActivDistance II. The front splint together with pads stabilize the spine in the sagittal plane.

The plastic semi-rigid elements of backbrace have removable polyamide buckles that allows to achieve patient’s anatomic shape.

When you need to adjust the circumference you can remove the buckles and assemble them in the required place. When it’s necessary, you can cut off the excessive part of plastic elements.
The buckles are connected with easy to attach straps with length adjustment.



  1. Firm stabilization of thoracolumbar spine (T3-L5).

  2. Elastic construction with circumferential adjustment.

  3. Adjusted height of rear framesacral pad and elastic side elements.

  4. Adjusted anterior easy to attach straps

  5. Adjusted frontal splint, equipped with sternumchestabdominal and pubicpads

  6. Easy adjusted and application

  7. High durability

  8. Perfect fitting for particular patients

  9. Basing on MiniMax rule (minimum device, maximum effect)

  10. Targeting therapy – support and immobilization only in the place of injury and pain. The brace doesn’t limit the patient’s range of motion where it’s unnecessary.


  • Severe L-S and Th painful syndrome
  • Multi-level discopathy
  • Scheuermann’s disease
  • Parkinson disease
  • Bechterew’s Disease (Ankylosing spondylitis)
  • Spine instability
  • Lumbar spondylolisthesis
  • Sciatica
  • Spine cancer
  • Thoraco and sacrolumbar degeneration
  • After surgeries (orthopedics, neurosurgery)
  • After cast immobilization
  • Spine fracture (injury, osteoporosis)
  • Spine flexion contracture (muscles, ligaments)
  • Some postural deformities
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Medidas y tamaños
Corset de inmovilización y mantenimiento en hiperextensión de la columna vertebral TLSO Plus
Indicaciones médicas
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