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Faja lumbar Vertebradyn-Strong

Referencia : 67451
Categoría:0 de opinión
168.54 €

VERTEBRADYN® STRONG Faja de soporte lumbar con soporte barras de refuerzo y tracción éléments

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Medidas y tamaños
Faja lumbar Vertebradyn-Strong
Indicaciones médicas
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Waist Circumference :




70 – 80 cm
80 – 90 cm
90 – 100 cm
100 – 110 cm
110 – 120 cm
120 – 130 cm
> 130 cm

Hauteur antérieure : 15,5 cm
Hauteurs postérieures :

XS – S
30 cm
32 cm



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Medidas y tamaños
Faja lumbar Vertebradyn-Strong
Indicaciones médicas
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Medidas y tamaños
Faja lumbar Vertebradyn-Strong
Indicaciones médicas
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VERTEBRADYN® STRONG Faja de soporte lumbar con soporte barras de refuerzo y tracción éléments

Combination of waist stabiliser with the long lumbar bypassing steel rods and straps, helps for correction of spine lordosis.


_ Severe low back pain
_ Muscular imbalance

_ Irritation of the sacroiliac joint

_ Facet syndrome

_ Spinal Stenosis

_ Spondylosis

_ Slipped disc

_ Instability of the spine

_ Lumbar deformity


_ Abdominal lifting and stabilisation of spine lordosis

_ Relief with possible posture of basin


_ 4 long incorporated steel rods at the back

_ Back part is higher for maximal lordosis  
_ 4 straps with roller loops 

_Features a latex-free elastic knit with functional compression for the back

_ Front hand strap for easier application

_ Velcro closures

_ Continuously adjustable



_ Anterior height : 15,5 cm

_ Posterior height :  XS – S : 30 cm - M – XXXL : 32 cm

_ Color: Platinum

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Faja lumbar Vertebradyn-Strong
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