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Férula de cadera articulada Active 3D

Referencia : 85068
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686.00 €

Ortesis de cadera articulada universal con control de flexión/extensión y abducción/aducción. La ortesis es cómoda y está diseñada según el principio MiniMax (máximo efecto en un dispositivo

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Férula de cadera articulada Active 3D
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Férula de cadera articulada Active 3D
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Férula de cadera articulada Active 3D
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Férula de cadera articulada Active 3D

Attelle articulée de hanche Active 3D

Hip replacement surgery is a procedure in which a doctor surgically removes a painful hip joint with arthritis and replaces it with an artificial joint often made from metal and plastic components. This surgery is often the only way to relieve the pain and improve the walking. After procedure, patient should keep upright position the very next day. Unfortunately, up to 12 months after hip replacement surgery, pivoting or twisting on the involved leg should be avoided. Patient should also not cross the involved leg past the midline of the body nor turn the involved leg inward and you should not bend at the hip past 90 degrees. All of these activities may damage the “new joint” and another hip replacement could be necessary. To ensure safety, patient should consider using our hip abduction brace with innovative lower limb abduction system “Hip Joint Control Flex”.


This hip brace is an universal hip brace with control of flexion/extension and abduction/adduction. The brace is designed with MiniMax principle (maximum effect in minimum device). Due to innovative construction the brace provides maximum safety and protection with little sizes.

Our hip brace is made of Active3D™, equipped with soft universal abdominal and thigh bands and anatomic shaped monocentric splint with ROM adjustment.

Active3D™ is thermoformed fabric made of special foamed, cell-closed designed material. It reduces the pressure on the body or any abrasions made by orthopaedic stays and aluminum splints. It is fully waterproof fabric and does not absorb sweat. It’s easy to clean. Due to its features, the fabric is an excellent product for making medical orthopaedic braces and orthoses. ACTIVE 3D™ has various external self-gripping layers. Our material has special, thermoformed properties and may be shaped according to the functional goals of the final braces.

In the soft, abdominal and thigh part we used special ABS plastic elements with Velcro straps. The splint is equipped with innovative Press-slide system which provides smooth full length adjustment. Our hip brace maintains required hip position, reinforces the joint and provides po-op control. It’s excellent solution for improving the gait pattern and treat the muscles contractures. The fast and easy adjustment provides full anatomical flexion/extension and adduction/abduction control. Before limit the hip motion, consult your doctor.




After hip joint replacement – endoprosthesoplasty
2. Hip dislocation or Potential High Risk Dislocation
3. Hip displasia (anterior/posterior)
4. Osteoarthrosis (also known as Osteoarthritis)
5. Coxarthrosis
6. Hip joint instability
7. Post-Operative
8. Pre-Operative
9. Hip immobilization
10. Muscles contractures

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Medidas y tamaños
Férula de cadera articulada Active 3D
Indicaciones médicas
Versión bilateral
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Medidas y tamaños
Férula de cadera articulada Active 3D
Indicaciones médicas
Versión bilateral
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