» » » Hombro para afectación neurológica Erb-Duchenne, Klumpke-Dejerine Erb-Duchenne, Klumpke-Dejerine

Hombro para afectación neurológica Erb-Duchenne, Klumpke-Dejerine Erb-Duchenne, Klumpke-Dejerine

Referencia : 31005
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268.00 €

Almohadilla de hombro para daños neurológicos. Nueva versión ambidiestra.

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Plazo de disponibilidad 15 dias

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Medidas y tamaños
Hombro para afectación neurológica Erb-Duchenne, Klumpke-Dejerine Erb-Duchenne, Klumpke-Dejerine
Indicaciones médicas
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Medidas y tamaños
Hombro para afectación neurológica Erb-Duchenne, Klumpke-Dejerine Erb-Duchenne, Klumpke-Dejerine
Indicaciones médicas
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Medidas y tamaños
Hombro para afectación neurológica Erb-Duchenne, Klumpke-Dejerine Erb-Duchenne, Klumpke-Dejerine
Indicaciones médicas
Notas y comentarios

Stroke is often reason of paralysis of the half of the body, called hemiplegia. It usually causes myoparesis of that part of human body. Hemiplegia is a serious disease that is the result of the corticospinal tract of the brain damage. Paresis involves the opposite part of the body than the brain damage. It is strongly connected with the fact that the corticospinal tracts of the brain are crossed, they run from one hemisphere to the other. That is why, the damage of the left hemisphere results in the paralysis of the right side muscles.

Hemiplegia manifests itself with muscle weakness of the one part of human body but the specific syndromes may differ among different patients. The most frequent syndromes of hemiplegia are as follow :

  • problems with gait,

  • problems with balance,

  • problems with gripping some things,

  • increased muscled rigidity,

  • muscle spasm, etc.

The symptoms of cerebral stroke depend on the part of the brain that was damaged. They usually appear without any warning. A person smiles, talks to someone, does everyday activities and suddenly clasps hands to the head or loses balance. Sometimes it finishes with a fall or a person speaks in a weird way (slur) or even complains about blurring of vision. Such symptoms should not be ignored.

The second reason of upper limb paresis can be brachial plexus injury. The brachial plexus is a network of nerves that controls of shoulder, arm, hand and fingers. In case of car accidents, falls or sport injuries the head and neck trauma can occur. It causes the nerves rapture and stops the conduction of electric impulses. The most dangerous sports are wrestling, rugby, American football, boxing, skiing, diving, hang-gliding or football. Symptoms of brachial plexus injury are weakness of upper limb, lack of muscle control and anaesthesia of arm and hand.


Product’s description

Excellent solution for such condition is our new neuro brace. The brace :

  • corrects forearm, arm and shoulder joint position,

  • stabilizes of shoulder joint,

  • reliefs the pain,

  • prevents from shoulder joint, muscles, tendons and nerves damages,

  • provides the correct position.

REMEMBER : The sooner you start physical therapy based on motor patterns (what neuro shoulder provides), the bigger chance for fast recovery!

Purpose of use

  • paralysis of the half of the body (hemiplegia)

  • brachial plexus injury

  • shoulder, neck or head injury (e.g. head of the humerus dislocation)

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Medidas y tamaños
Hombro para afectación neurológica Erb-Duchenne, Klumpke-Dejerine Erb-Duchenne, Klumpke-Dejerine
Indicaciones médicas
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Opinión de internautas Hombro para afectación neurológica Erb-Duchenne, Klumpke-Dejerine Erb-Duchenne, Klumpke-Dejerine (0 Comentarios)

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