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Metatarsal banda Metarso

Referencia : 53999
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58.01 €

METARSO® Anatomical splay foot support with pad. Provided in pairs.

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Medidas y tamaños
Metatarsal banda Metarso
Indicaciones médicas
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Perimetro cm anterior del pie :

< 19 cm
19 – 21 cm
22 – 24 cm
25 – 27 cm


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Medidas y tamaños
Metatarsal banda Metarso
Indicaciones médicas
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Metatarsal banda Metarso
Indicaciones médicas
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METARSO® Anatomical splay foot support with pad. Provided in pairs.


_ Metarsalgia
_ Splay foot

_ Periosteal joint irritation of the metarsal capitula region I-V
_ Damage of the interdigital nerves II-VII with

_ burning pain

_ numbness

_ „inflammatory“ pain

_ Morton Neuralgie

_ Cushion support of the forefoot region with sensitivity to touch and hyperthermia (similar to forefoot arthritis)


Contra-indications :

_ Severe disorders in the forefoot blood flow e.g. diabetes



_ Increase of middle matersalia toward physilogical metarsal bone through brace foot pad and circular compression

_ Relief of the metarsal heading and of the plantar forefoot soft part


_ Variable postitoning foot pad  
_ Anatomically fit with gap at the small toe, in order to avoid the pressure irritations

_ 3-dimensional adaption of the special knitted fabric at the big toe

_ 2 Velcro fastener  help to set individually the compression pressure

_ Indication for Right and Left

_ Latex-free


_ Color :  Black
_ Provided in pairs


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Metatarsal banda Metarso
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