MedSurg Zapato postquirúrgico
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Zapato postoperatorio MedSurg

Referencia : 58973
Categoría:0 de opinión
73.05 €

Zapato postoperatorio MedSurg. Estabilidad, absorción de impactos y alivio de la presión después de las operaciones. Para la estabilización y el alivio de la presión en la fase postoperatori

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Zapato postoperatorio MedSurg
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Tailles modèle homme - longueur semelle intérieure:

Small/39-41 - 255 mm

Medium/41,5-43 - 270 mm

Large/43,5-45 - 290 mm

XLarge/ 45,5-47 - 310 mm


Tailles modèle femme - longueur semelle intérieure:

Small/34-36,5 - 227 mm

Medium/37-38,5 - 245 mm

Large/39-41 - 290 mm



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Zapato postoperatorio MedSurg
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Zapato postoperatorio MedSurg
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Zapato postoperatorio MedSurg

(former MedicalSurgical™ - ST)

Postoperative stabilisation and off-loading


Colour: Black

right and left fit


Pédiatrique : < 31



›  used postoperatively for stability and off-loading, e.g. after foot osteotomy procedures


›  stability, impact and pressure relief after surgical procedures
›  accommodates even the bulkiest dressings
in combination with the PegAssist® creates interim solution for the diabetic foot in need of urgent care


›  breathable mesh upper
›  patent-protected reinforced heel counter
›  replaceable insole
›  can be worn on the right and left
Diabetes, Woundcare, preventive care, ankle orthosis, orthopaedic shoes, orthopaedic devices

Plantar pressure measurement MedSurg:

Pressure measurement neutral Pressure measurement MedSurg Healing Shoe

Neutral (Ballet-Style Shoe) vs. MedSurg Healing Shoe

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Scale: (N / qm2): 



MedSurg Postoperative Shoe in use with ToeCap

The MedSurg Shoe with its famous semi-rigid sole, is built around our patented MetaShank™ forefoot support that provides more rigid control and better protection after osteotomies. Our breathable, mesh upper conforms to bony abnormalities of the foot and has a reinforced heel counter and padded heel collar to stabilize the rear foot and reduce slippage. Extra-long straps accommodate even the bulkiest dressings. Due to the classification in Men- and Women- sizes the shoe fits at best.



Compatible with:

Puzzle Insole® modular Insole
Modular Insole for plantar pressure redistribution
PegAssist Insole Off-loading Insole
for selective off-loading during acute treatment
Relief Contour Insole Cushion Insole
for use following hallux valgus and small toe surgeries
Toe Cap optional available, Orthopedic devices and shoes
Toe Cap optional available.
Protects the toes from exposur, increased wearing comfort.
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Zapato postoperatorio MedSurg
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