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Zapato terapeútico Post Op Déambulo Sport
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Zapato terapeútico Post Op Déambulo Sport

Referencia : 00204
Categoría:0 de opinión
122.00 €

Zapato terapeútico Post Op Déambulo Sport

Cantidad : 
Plazo de disponibilidad 7 dias

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Sizes: 35/41

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Shoes for second Post Op treatment

Black Setaflex selfstretching

Footwear suitable for

1 sprains, instability, pain in the march, rehabilitation, fragile skin and vascular problems.
2 Rheumatoid arthritis, deformities, joint pain, gout, bunions, calluses, claw toes.
3 Difficulty in fitting and closure of the shoe.


1) Internal volume variable:
- The front of the upper stands up and opens up completely, making it easier to fit;
- The multivelcro closing system facilitates the closure with one hand and allows to fine tune the fit from M to XL, to accomodate bandaged foot;
2) Maximum stability:
heel counter, non skid and non trip biomechanical

 3) Upper selfshaping:
perspirant upper with stretchable front, to accomodate deformities.

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