» » » Zapatos terapeúticos Berkemann Lüneburg bleu foncé nubuck

Zapatos terapeúticos Berkemann Lüneburg bleu foncé nubuck

Referencia : 00742
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91.79 €

Zapatos terapeúticos Berkemann Lüneburg

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Zapatos terapeúticos Berkemann Lüneburg
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Zapatos terapeúticos Berkemann Lüneburg
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Zapatos terapeúticos Berkemann Lüneburg
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Size 3 - 8,5 • width E - H
40 mm heel
25 mm lift
style: Atlanta


Lüneburg is another “all-time favorite” in the Berkemann range. This model is distinguished by its timeless cut and design. The two wide straps across the instep are easily adjusted using the buckles, so that the shoe adjusts optimally to the existing foot shape thereby providing ideal grip with maximum comfort – and without pressure points. The comfortably wide, soft padded footbed offers further comfort, whilst the cup-shaped heel support relieves the joints. The Lüneburg model can also be fitted with heel strap “00151”.

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