» » » » Active AFO brace Blue touch dynamische lift voor blote voeten

Active AFO brace Blue touch dynamische lift voor blote voeten

Referentie : 30355
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179.55 €

Blue touch dynamische blote voeten lift. Stabiliserende enkelbrace met twee verstelbare elastische kruisen om de voet op te tillen tijdens het lopen.

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Active AFO brace for foot drop with insole Blue touch

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Active AFO brace for foot drop with insole Blue touch



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Active AFO brace for foot drop with insole Blue touch

Foot drop is the neurological condition causes the inability to lift the front part of the foot. People suffering from this, drag their toes along the ground, that’s why they lift their knee high or swing their leg in a wide arc.


The foot drop is the result of extensors muscle weakness or paralysis. There are 3 reasons:

  • peroneal nerve injury
  • spine and brain disorders
  • muscles conditions

Peroneal nerve injury descends along the lateral side of the popliteal fossa to the head of the fibula and allows to lift the foot. Because of location it’s very easy to damage in result of sport injury and hip or knee replacement surgery.

Foot drop can strike at any age and can happen to one foot or both feet at the same time. Treatment for it will depend on the cause: physical therapy is used to strengthen muscles and surgery may be recommended to try to repair a damaged nerve. Early treatment may improve chances of recovery. No matter what’s the type of injury, the lightweight braces are the most common treatment.

It has special insert that lifts the foot and it’s very comfortable and invisible under the clothes.

AFO brace improves to muscles functions by support the active gait for people with muscle weakness and nerves degenerations or other disorders.

If you want to use invisible brace that supports your daily activity – It's made of PowerFIT fabric is made for you!

PowerFit is a thin, 3-layered lamination, consisted of 2 external spandex layers and internal core. The core aim is to improve compression and absorb shocks in joints and muscles during physical activity. External spandex layers are very resistant to damages and dirt. Braces, made of this fabric, support the body perfectly. Because of high quality, they can be used even in extreme conditions. PowerFit is easy to maintain and can be hand wash, so you can use it our braces on all daily activities.

AFO brace is equipped with semi-rigid insole supports to lifting the foot. The brace is lightweight and elastic, because of innovative fabrics and technologists. It’s durable and dynamic. By using systematically, you can achieve the correct gait pattern and avoid abnormal compensated gait.

It improves the gait dynamics and corrects the foot inversion by active straps. When you achieve the correct gait pattern, your iliopsoas and gluteal muscles work actively. The brace improves the calf muscle pump what increases the blood flow.

High quality of our fabric and physiological brace construction cause high comfort of use and effectiveness.

Our  brace is a modular device, so it fits to every body size precisely. You can order a soft part of brace and insole size separately.

propose of use :

  • foot extensors weakness
  • stroke or bleeding in the head
  • multiple sclerosis (MS)
  • toes or partly foot amputation
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Active AFO brace for foot drop with insole Blue touch

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