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Dorso-lumbaal korset preventieve behandeling van osteoporose

Referentie : 11293
Waardering:0 advies
376.65 €

Het is beter profylactisch te investeren in een korset om osteoporose te behandelen. Torso Dorsolumbale Orthesis, de beste oplossing om osteoporose te voorkomen en te behandelen.

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Dorso-lumbaal korset preventieve behandeling van osteoporose

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Dorso-lumbaal korset preventieve behandeling van osteoporose










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Dorso-lumbaal korset preventieve behandeling van osteoporose

Osteoporosis is the condition which occurs in the world, especially in the seniors from western civilizations. This is metabolic disease which based on the bones demoralization and their fragility.



Medical specialists focus on prophylactically orthopaedic supply. The osteoporosis usually concerns women after menopause. What is more, the life expectancy is longer so this condition concerns men also.
Osteoporosis is visible especially in spine and vertebrae are deformed. The treatment needs long-term hospitalization and is connected with high costs.

Osteoporosis is connected with backbone’s poor posture. The women are shorter (even 15 cm) and have rounded upper back. The stomach is stick out. The movements are poor and slower. The muscles are more tense and less elastic. The vertebrae touch and press each other and can cause nerve compression and pain. Even daily activities like standing or bending cause pain and decrease psychomotor abilities. It leads to depression and frustration. Complications after osteoporosis can cause long-term immobilization or disability.

It is better to invest money in prophylaxis of the osteoporosis. Fortunately, the best solution to prevent or treat the osteoporosis is back brace Torso. It is the optimal addition to pharmacological treatment.

The way of working:

  • Back brace Torso stabilizes spine
  • It supports the weak trunk and back muscles
  • The back splints are anatomic-shaped to
  • Stabilizing straps are non-elastic and front straps facilitate fastening the device
  • The muscle support leads to improve the trunk muscles tension and upright position
  • The upright position increases lung capacity what prevents the shortness of breath
  • Visible decreasing the pain
  • osteoporosis
  • deformed vertebrae
  • acute Back Pain
  • spondylolithesis
  • spondylolysis
  • spine Instability
  • disc Hernia
  • degenerative Spinal pathologies
  • pre- and post-Surgical Stabilization
  • rehabilitation and Prevention
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Dorso-lumbaal korset preventieve behandeling van osteoporose

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