» » » » Duimbrace Rhizo-Splint
Orthosis van Rhizarthrosis voor immobilisatie van het metacarpal zadel gezamenlijke RhizoSplint

Duimbrace Rhizo-Splint

Referentie : 14514
Waardering:0 advies
75.68 €

RHIZOSPLINT® Rhizarthrosesteun voor immobilisatie van het metacarpo-falangeaal en het carpo-metacarpale gewricht

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Maatregelen en omvang
Duimbrace Rhizo-Splint

Wrist circ.

Small : < 17 cm

Medium : 17 –  19 cm

Large : > 19 cm

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Duimbrace Rhizo-Splint

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Duimbrace Rhizo-Splint

_ Moderate rhizarthrosis by considerable sub-luxation
_ Arthrosis of metacarpal joint
_ Tendon instability in the thumb area
_ Tendon irritations in the thumb area

_ After fracture in the region of the first metacarpal joint, thumb  saddle joint and  base joint of the thumb

_ After surgery in the region of the base joint of the thumb, first metacarpal joint and thumb saddle joint


_ Immobilisation of arthrotic instable thumb saddle and hyper mobile base joint of the thumb

_ Free movement of the radial wrist  
_ Countervailing sub-luxation


 _ Robust plastic for daily activities and comfortable to wear

_ Includes a perspiration absorbent padded inlay

_ Thermo-formable  shell to provide stability in the case of sub-dislocation


_ Color: Skin
_ Indicate Right or Left

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Duimbrace Rhizo-Splint

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