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59.20 €

Koud vervormbare orthese voor de ondersteuning van de duimwervelkolom. Zachte en comfortabele fluwelen stof.

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We propose the latest thumb splint which combines basic support made using last generation materials (triple layer: foam, velour, sponge) which provides perfect adaptation, comfort and transpiration held together by a malleable aluminium support which allows the complete immobilization of the trapeziummetacarpal joint. This also allows the possibility of modifying the position slightly. Traditionally, thumb splints are made of thermoplastic in order to achieve maximum rigidity and immobilization of the joints which are susceptible to treatment, despite the lack of transpiration.


Securing, stabilizing and immobilisation.


Tendonitis. Painfull or swollen sequelae. Instability of the trapeziummetacarpal joints. Sports injuries (eg.: skier’s thumb). Irritations of the trapeziummetacarpal joints. Immobilization of the trapeziummetacarpal joint (Thumb rhizarthrosis).

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