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Modular Insole Puzzle Insole® voor MedSurg™ Pro, Relief Dual™

Modular Insole Puzzle Insole voor MedSurg™ Pro, Relief Dual™

Referentie : 85186
Waardering:0 advies
35.00 €

Puzzle Insole® De verstelbare drukverlagende inlegzool voor de voetzool. Speciaal ontworpen voor de postoperatieve fase van voorvoetchirurgie.

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Modular Insole Puzzle Insole® voor MedSurg™ Pro, Relief Dual™

Version homme :

Small : 39,0-41,0

Medium : 41,5-43,0

Large : 43,5-45,0

XLarge : 45,5-47,0


Version femme :

Small : 34,0-36,5

Medium : 37,0-38,5

Large : 39,0-41,0

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Modular Insole Puzzle Insole® voor MedSurg™ Pro, Relief Dual™

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Modular Insole Puzzle Insole® voor MedSurg™ Pro, Relief Dual™

Modular Insole Puzzle Insole® voor MedSurg™ Pro, Relief Dual™

Modular insole developed for plantar pressure redistribution.
Specific use after forefoot and midfoot-operations.


Small Toe Module (narrow)

  • tailor'sbunion
  • jones fracture

Large Toe Module (wide)

  • osteotomy: austin, scarf, akin, youngswick, etc.
  • arthrodesis: lapidus, MTP joint and base joint of the large toe

Middle Module

  • weil and / or helal osteotomy I - IV
  • morton'sneuroma
  • hammertoe, tailor'sbunion corrections
  • PIP arthrodesis


  • used after forefoot and midfoot surgical procedures
  • module insole system for selective plantar pressure relief


  • interchangeable components
  • insole is designed for use with the right or left boot

Plantar pressure measurement Puzzle Insole® Modular Insole:

Pressure measurement Neutral Pressure measurement Puzzle Insole in MedSurg Pro Pressure measurement Puzzle Insole in Relief Dual
  a b

From left to right: Neutral (Ballet-Style Shoe) vs.
a) Puzzle Insole® in MedSurg Pro® Healing Shoe
b) Puzzle Insole® in Relief Dual® Off-loading Shoe



The Puzzle Insole® allows an effective offloading of the plantar aspect of the foot by simply replacing the modules. Both EVA-foam soles only differ in grade of shore-stiffness. Three replaceable modules (little toe module, hallux module, and centerpiece) can be exchanged individually depending on the most different indications.

Download: Typical indications will be found in our product flyer

Puzzle Insole modular Insole Puzzle Insole modular Insole Puzzle Insole modular Insole
Great Toe Module
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Modular Insole Puzzle Insole® voor MedSurg™ Pro, Relief Dual™

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Modular Insole Puzzle Insole® voor MedSurg™ Pro, Relief Dual™

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