» » » » Pols-hand-vinger-duim-steunorthese


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216.50 €

Pols-hand-vinger-duimbrace met nauwsluitende riemen.

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Maatregelen en omvang
Wrist-hand-fingers brace

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Maatregelen en omvang
Wrist-hand-fingers brace



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Wrist-hand-fingers brace

Hand and forearm brace made of ActivSpace and equipped with anatomically shaped stabilizing insert and VELCRO tape which enables perfect fit of the brace to the limb. It stabilizes the carpal joint, wrist, knuckle joint and second and fourth finger. Use: after injury of forearm, knuckle joint and wrist requiring stabilization of the thumb (even after breakage of forearm bones, wrist and hand) after surgery, in case of infective bursitis and paresis of upper limbs.



Per customer request, the standard separator may be substituted for neurological separator which stabilizes each finger separately. Optional accessory : ref. : 17094.



In addition, for this brace you can purchase special neuro-rheumathological fingers separator. It provides proper position of fingers and maintains optimal abduction of the proximal phalanxes in case of neurological or rheumatological disorders. When the spasticity occurs, the separator prevents the fingers against the excessive “squeezing”. In case of Swan-Neck Deformity in Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), the device construction with special fastening, correct the fingers from ulnar to neutral position. Maintaining of the optimal neutral hand position allows to stop the process of neurological or degeneration diseases.


Should be applied in cases of:
- dislocation of carpal joint,
- damages of tendon and tendonitis,
- severe pain of wrist,
- severe or chronic osteitis of wrist or metacarpus,
- operations ( orthopedic, rheumatologic),
- neurological illnesses of central or peripheral origin,

- fractures of bones that do not require plaster dressing.

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Maatregelen en omvang
Wrist-hand-fingers brace

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