» » » » Rugbrace Lumbo Direxa High

Rugbrace Lumbo Direxa High

Referentie : 72335
Waardering:0 advies
134.90 €

Lumbo Direxa High rugsteun met een rughoogte van 32 cm ondersteunt zowel de lumbale wervelkolom als de onderste thoracale wervelkolom. Huidvriendelijk en ademend materiaal

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Rugbrace Lumbo Direxa High

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Rugbrace Lumbo Direxa High

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Rugbrace Lumbo Direxa High

Ceinture de soutien lombaire haute Lumbo Direxa High



Low back pain


Muscular imbalances of the lower thoracic spine and/or lumbar spine

Degenerative changes in the lower thoracic spine and/or lumbar spine

Osteochondrosis of the lower thoracic and/or lumbar spine

Facet joint syndrome of the lower thoracic spine and/or lumbar spine

Intervertebral disc protrusion from L1 to S1

Intervertebral disc prolapse from L1 to S1

Discectomy from L1 to S1

Irritation of the sacroiliac joint



Supports sensorimotor function and activates muscular stabilisation

Relieves the lumbar and lower thoracic spine

Reduces lordosis of the lumbar spine

Improves blood flow

Promotes muscle activity

Can relieve pain

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Rugbrace Lumbo Direxa High

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