» » » Schouder-elleboog immobilisatie mitella
Schouder-elleboog immobilisatie mitella

Schouder-elleboog immobilisatie mitella

Referentie : 83112
Waardering:0 advies
23.45 €

Deze eenvoudige bandage die op de nekwervels rust, ondersteunt de arm en de schouder en brengt de elleboog dicht bij het lichaam. In lengte verstelbaar. Zacht en comfortabel fluweel.

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Schouder-elleboog immobilisatie mitella

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Schouder-elleboog immobilisatie mitella

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Schouder-elleboog immobilisatie mitella

Schouder-elleboog immobilisatie mitella

The arm sling consists of an antebrachial support attached to a strap that passes around the back of the neck. The inside of the antebrachial support is made from breathable honeycomb fabric and the outside is velour. The strap has a terrycloth interior and honeycomb exterior and is length adjustable by means of Velcro fasteners, enabling it to be adjusted to the physical characteristics of each patient. The strap is designed to adopt an anatomical shape, which helps to relieve discomfort from pressure at the back of the neck. The arm sling also has a Velcro fastener to enable the antebrachial support to be adjusted to the needs of each patient. The arm sling is manufactured in one size and can be used on the right or left arm.


Indications :
Post-operative or post-traumatic immobilisation treatment. Arm and shoulder trauma injuries whose treatment requires reduction of mobility. Soft tissue injuries such as infections or burns. Rheumatic disorders.

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Schouder-elleboog immobilisatie mitella

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