» » » » Releveur de pied Boxia Plus avec crochet de fixation exclusif optionnel goural FS3000

Releveur de pied Boxia Plus avec crochet de fixation exclusif optionnel goural FS3000

Référence : 08496
Note moyenne : 0 avis
132.42 €

Bracelet de cheville avec protection du cou de pied en gel d'un côté, crochets de fixation à la chaussure de l'autre, relié par un élastique.

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Releveur de pied Boxia Plus avec crochet de fixation exclusif optionnel goural FS3000
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Releveur de pied Boxia Plus avec crochet de fixation exclusif optionnel goural FS3000
Indications médicales
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Releveur de pied Boxia Plus avec crochet de fixation exclusif optionnel goural FS3000
Indications médicales
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It can be fitted using just one hand which is an enormous advantage for patient autonomy and independence.

Comprised of :

  • One supramalleolar part made of micro-perforated breathable fabric that wraps around the ankle. It features a pad in the back that hugs the Achilles tendon and provides maximum comfort and distributes pressure. There are also relief points offering a massage effect on the soft parts. The central anchoring system can be adjusted to the ankle perimeter to guarantee the most adequate position for each patient.
  • An elastic traction band keeps the ankle in a neutral position and connects the supramalleolar part to the “S” hooks or the hook to the footwear.
  • The anti-slip hook attached to the footwear and a strap that is secured to the laces prevents undesirable movement.
  • 4 pairs of “S” hooks for greater stability and varum-valgum foot control.

Indications : Weakness or inability to dorsiflex the ankle (clubfoot) as a result of neurological injuries, congenital alterations or muscular disorders. Flaccid paralysis associated with hemiparesis.

Effects : Keeps the ankle in a functional position to prevent foot collapse. Enables a more natural and efficient walking pattern.

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Mesures et tailles
Releveur de pied Boxia Plus avec crochet de fixation exclusif optionnel goural FS3000
Indications médicales
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