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Daumenschiene blue line

Referenz : 12916
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53.18 €

Daumenschlaufe mit voller Öffnung und Einstellung. Lieferung mit einer kaltverformbaren Schiene zur Ruhigstellung des Großzehengrundgelenks. Beidhändig.

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A common cause of finger sprains is an injury that causes overstretching of your finger. In this case, ligaments and joint capsule are stretched or tore. The reason of sprained thumbs may be falling with outstretched hand and hitting the thumb on the ground or in sports that involve using hands, like basketball or rugby. Sprained thumb causes stiffness, pain and limited mobility.

Immediately after injury the RICE therapy is recommended. To do that, our universal moldable thumb brace will be perfect.

This thumb brace is an innovative product. The brace has special aluminium moldable pad for perfect fitting. It is easily adjustable without using a heating.
This thumb brace is made of waterproof fabric UniPren™.

It is universal 3-layered fabric made of external elastic polyamide self-gripping layer and internal neoprene foam with elastic jersey. Our fabric is soft and elastic and not knitted, what prevents skin against the skin abrasions in the compression zones. Self-gripping function of UniPren™ allows to fit the brace precisely.

Inside the brace we use special aluminum stay, which is highly moldable. It is easily adjustable without using a heating. You may adjust it during acute phase to accommodate the swelling and then, when it disappears, change the shape for perfect fitting and immobilization.

This aluminum stay is extremely light weight, almost invisible for the patient. Due to this fact, you may use it as a prevention in high physical activity level.

Wrap around design and easy adjustment provide healing compression, reduce swelling and exudation. The fabric is slightly elastic, it “works” with your each motion, and it makes our moldable thumb brace perfect for athletes.

Gamer’s thumb
- Smartphone thumb
- CMC and thumb MP’s sprain/strain
- tenosynovitis (de Quervain’s Syndrome)
- CMC and thumb MP’s joints inflammation

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