Hip is one of the biggest joints in human body. It has high mobility and may be injured easily. There are many types of hip conditions: dislocations, muscles and ligaments sprains or strains and inflammations.
Hip bursitis is common among athletes but also in people who are standing or kneeling in their job. At the beginning, the hip bursitis is painless but later the pain increases and the mobility is reduced. Muscle strain in physical activity, soft tissue fatigue or obesity are main reasons of inflammation. Manual therapy or electrotherapy are useful in trochanteric bursitis treatment. But the best product for protect the joints in case of hip injuries is our hip brace CoxaBelt bluetouch.
Hip brace CoxaBelt bluetouch is an excellent product for everyone who needs support in physical activity or in their standing or kneeling jobs (sellers in shops or plumbers).
The brace is made of innovative, waterproof fabric UniPren™, which is self gripping and goes in one universal size.
It is universal 3-layered fabric made of external elastic polyamide self-gripping layer and internal neoprene foam with elastic jersey. Our fabric is soft and elastic and not knitted, what prevents skin against the skin abrasions in the compression zones. It’s excellent solution for athletes. Self-gripping function of UniPren™ allows to fit the brace precisely. This fabric is also waterproof, do not absorb the water and is comfortable.
Our hip brace CoxaBelt bluetouch has lateral support. It is spiral boning which provides slightly immobilization but doesn’t limit the range of motion.
The brace has wrap around design for perfect fitting. Universal size and loop fabric provide wide range of adjustment. Therapeutic compression of neoprene fabric relieves the pain and increases the healing.
• Super stretchy and comfy. Polish manufacturer.
• Solid stitches for a long time use.
• Wide Velcro closure for durability. Premium latex-free neoprene.
• Self gripping fabric for smooth compression adjustment.
Our hip brace AM-SB-08 is an excellent product in case of each type of activity. It supports the hip joints without limiting in mobility. The brace provides therapeutic compression for reducing the pain.
hip arthritis or osteoarthritis
- muscle strains/sprain
- IT band syndrome
- soft tissues inflammation (tendonitis, bursitis)
- cartilage or ligament tear
- after hip surgery
- protection while playing sport