» » » » Capener FingerExt dynamic finger extension orthosis finger brace

Capener FingerExt dynamic finger extension orthosis finger brace

Reference : 18000
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79.90 €

Dynamic wraparound Capener FingerExt orthosis for the treatment of flessum. Easy to fit and comfortable.

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Capener FingerExt dynamic finger extension orthosis finger brace
Medical indications

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Measurements and sizes
Capener FingerExt dynamic finger extension orthosis finger brace
Medical indications



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Measurements and sizes
Capener FingerExt dynamic finger extension orthosis finger brace
Medical indications

Capener FingerExt dynamic finger extension orthosis finger brace


Dynamic extension splint for the proximal interphalangeal joint.


It helps to immobilise the joint and reduce the stress to which it is subjected, by relieving the flexor tendon injury.


Injuries to the flexor tendons occur very frequently as a result of accidents in the home, at work or in sport.



These injuries can give rise to complications, and to prevent them it is important to combine immobilisation and early rehabilitation.


Dynamic splints relieve pain and contribute to proper healing, preventing further injury.



- Adjustable stabilising ring

Stabilises the interphalangeal joint, preventing deviations and unwanted movements.


- Ergonomic design

improve patient comfort, while keeping the finger in extension.


- Dynamic vertical

Allows flexion, facilitating movement of the joint during rehabilitation.

Tension can be increased or reduced depending on the degree of injury.

It is doubled to ensure total dermatological compatibility.

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Capener FingerExt dynamic finger extension orthosis finger brace
Medical indications

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