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Crosslight back support

Reference : 43720
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73.95 €

Crosslight Lumbar Support Belt-brace

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Crosslight back support
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Measurements and sizes
Crosslight back support
Medical indications







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Measurements and sizes
Crosslight back support
Medical indications

Lower back pain is a common condition. Limited motion, sedentarny lifestyle or obesity – these are only a few reasons for lumbo-sacral diseases. Sometimes the pain may be from an injury (such as muscle sprain or strain), orthopedic conditions (herniated disc) or neurological problems (sciatica). How can I help myself? Apart of diet and exercises (physiotherapy), the support for stressed vertebrae is essential. Due to this fact, all activities such as carrying, bending down or trunk twisting should be performed with our lower back brace with dynamic lordosis support.



Our back brace is an excellent product, used for lower back support. 

The brace is made of innovative material ActivRubber II available in black and beige colors.

ActivRubber II is strong and bidirectional elasticity. It can be stretched, increasing the length and width, what improves compression. Between the braids air flows freely and skin can breathe. In addition in high compression, these rubber braids provide a gentle massage for skin. Our orthopedic rubber is very friendly for skin.

Our back brace is equipped with rear aluminum anatomic-shaped splints and spiral bonings which support muscles, ligaments and vertebrae.

Lower back brace has innovative dynamic lordosis support. Horizontal rear rubbers provide excellent fitting of aluminum splints to every type of lordotic curves. These rubbers act dynamically and support the back with each singular motion. It prevents against the vertebra overstressing, slipping or herniated discs.

Wide, front Velcro closures provides extra support for abdominal wall and wide range of circumferential adjustment.

Use our lower back brace in daily activities: in work, home or during walking. The brace supports your spine and prevents against the tissue’s injuries. This products relieve the pain and allows to live normally.

Pre- and Post-Surgical Stabilization
- Degenerative Spinal pathologies
- Disc Hernia
- Spondylolithesis
- Spondylolysis
- Acute Back Pain
- Spinal Instability
- Rehabilitation and Prevention

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Measurements and sizes
Crosslight back support
Medical indications

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