» » » » Pediatric Walker for child

Pediatric Walker for child

Reference : 32715
Rating:0 opinion
89.79 €

Designed with a light and resistant plastic structure, it has a padded area on the lower part to protect the sole of the foot and the malleoli of the ankle and increase the feeling of comfor

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Pediatric Walker for child
Medical indications


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Measurements and sizes
Pediatric Walker for child
Medical indications


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Measurements and sizes
Pediatric Walker for child
Medical indications

Designed with a lightweight, durable plastic structure featuring a padded area at the bottom to protect the sole of the foot and ankle malleoli and increase the feeling of comfort; the inner part is made from breathable fabric to protect the patient from possible chafing; Velcro closure system. It consists of lowdensity polyethylene supports that facilitate the immobilisation of the tibial tarsal joint. It features a low-profile rocker sole made from non-slip material.


Indications: Injuries and surgical procedures. Sprains and ligament injuries. As a substitute for a plaster cast in pre-ulcerative situations.

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Measurements and sizes
Pediatric Walker for child
Medical indications

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