» » » Shock absorbing effect with postoperative immobilising bandages APB All Purpose Boot
APB® All Purpose Boot

Shock absorbing effect with postoperative immobilising bandages APB All Purpose Boot

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79.86 €

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APB® All Purpose Boot

Sizes - shoe sizes - internal sole lenghts :

XSmall : < 35 - 220 mm

Small : 35-37,5 - 240 mm

Medium : 38-40,5 - 258 mm

Large : 41-44 - 280 mm

XLarge : 44,5-46,5 - 295 mm

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APB® All Purpose Boot

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APB® All Purpose Boot

All Purpose Boot

Shock absorbing effect with postoperative immobilising bandages

after surgery and for stabilising

it can also serve as a cast boot for particular applications

impact-absorbing effect and pressure redistribution




›  used postoperatively for stability and mobilization
›  used with fibreglass cast bandages for the foot and ankle


›  stability, shock absorption and pressure redistribution after surgical procedures
›  in combination with the PegAssist® creates interim solution for the diabetic foot in need of urgent care


›  this boot is fully closed and water-repellent
›  uses the same sole technology as the proven MedSurg healing shoes
›  low profile – no height compensation necessary
›  replaceable insoles also available

can be worn on the right and left



APB All Purpose Boot. Shock absorbing effect with postoperative immobilising bandages

In the A.P.B.® All-Purpose Shoe, the same sole technology is used as in the proven MedSurg Operations Shoe, so that its use as a plaster shoe or walking sole in rigid bandages is certainly possible. The new closure technique allows for simple and two-sided application.

The shoe is completely closed and waterrepellent, which benefits patients exposed to wet weather conditions.


Compatible with:

PegAssist Insole Off-loading Insole
for selective off-loading during acute treatment
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APB® All Purpose Boot

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