Zapato terapéutico Stabil-D

Referencia : 35278
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188.06 €

Zapato de alivio parcial del antepié Stabil-D. Heridas y ulceraciones en el medio y el antepié, pie de Charcot, inestabilidad del retropié, alivio de la presión.

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Zapato terapéutico Stabil-D
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Zapato terapéutico Stabil-D
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Zapato terapéutico Stabil-D
Indicaciones médicas
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Tutor for injuries and rehabilitation with stiff sole.

Sizes : 35/48 (every two sizes)
Ambidextrous per piece
Black leather and Flexpell
Stiff-boat sole
Eva 10 mm - 6 mm DIAPOD


Post-op shoe indicated for:
- Fatigue Fractures of the forefoot
- Fractures metatarsophalangeal
- Injuries to the forefoot

- Also indicated for diabetic foot

- Lateral stabilizers inserts , associated with a prolonged thermo-formable back counter, control the pronation / supination and allow customization.
- Upper 16 cm high with multi Velcro closure, stabilizes and helps reduce plantar pressure, starting from the leg.
- Carbon fiber rigid outsole, fully rocker with steady mid-stance gate fase. The result of over ten years experience, it immobilizes the metatarsophalangeal joint resulting in a reduction of plantar pressure.
- Upper in Flexpell self modeling, combined with lycra lining, prevents the dangerous friction.

For use in combination with:
- Modus off-loading foot orthoticAllow proper off-loading by removing the small inserts from ulcerated area, without necessity of milling procedure.
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Zapato terapéutico Stabil-D
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